Bacon Miso Caramel Sauce

% Ingredients

  • 48.18% Sugar
  • 29.3% Heavy Cream
  • 16.2% Butter, unsalted
  • 4.6% Bacon Fat
  • 0.9% Red Miso Powder 6100
  • 0.82% Salt

Add cream to sauce pan and place on medium low heat to warm. Gently whisk in salt and 6100 Red Miso Powder. Add bacon fat and continue heating until melted. Reduce heat to low, stirring occasionally.

Add sugar to heavy saucepan and begin heating on medium-high heat. Heat sugar until it melts and becomes an amber color, swirling or stirring frequently to ensure even cooking. Watch carefully, as the sugar can start to scorch very quickly. As soon as all sugar has melted, immediately remove from heat.

Very carefully pour the warmed cream / bacon fat mixture into the melted sugar while stirring. The mixture will bubble and steam, so it’s a good idea to wear a protective glove. After cream is mixed in, carefully add the butter and stir until completely melted.